Saturday, May 20, 2006

Whom would you support

if you saw the following reports on newspapers?

1. TOI says that a peaceful rally against the proposed reservation is planned today in Bangalore by the 'Youth for Equality' - a group of medicos, engineering students, IIT and IIM alumni with full support of the IT comunity working for the MNCs in Bangalore. The organisers have obtained prior permission from the police, they have garnered support by distributing pamphlets all over the city and sending SMS urging people to join them.

2. The Tribune reports of a pro-quota rally which turned violent in Patna yesterday. 35 people of which 20 were protesters were injured in the violence and police lathi charge that ensued. Now, they were medicos too... who came out to protest supposedly with hockey sticks in their hand. So much for peaceful intent!

Please bear in mind that I am not saying reservation is right or wrong. I am just pointing out two different demonstrations by two groups both made up of mostly medical students. Looking at the news items above. Who do you think deserves our support?


Gaurav said...

I just now read on IBN-CNN live that there was a scuffle between pro- & anti- reservation protestors at JNU, New Dlh. on Friday evening. (Pro, anti reservation clash in JNU @ WWW.IBNLIVE.COM/NEWS)

The movement (on both the sides) is turning uglier with each passing day and I am afraid more instances of violence will be witnessed in days to come.

What pains me is that why should our policy makers be so parochial? Why the common citizen of India has to suffer crooks ruling us? There are better ways to ensure that all the sections of society flourish. Rather than devoting energies towards tackling various socio-economic and security issues facing our nation, govt. is busy raking up controversies.

I don't have strong political views but from my understanding of free India's history, all I can say is that the Congress party has done everlasting damage to the basic edifice of democracy. If the founders of Congress party were to witness the mess it has led us into, they would die of shame and remorse.

What's going in India is really disturbing and something ought to be done soon to stop this polarisation within the society. We are making a mockery of our values, traditions and culture. STOP THIS NONSENSE, BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!

Mann Sahib said...

Bangalore need our support for sure. simple question yaar. Y ask? I mean, if they have got permission from the Police, there has to be sumthing very fishy there... lets go n burn some bridges dude!

Seriously, its war right now. I cannot judge the way one side fights and the other doesn't. They are us and they need us. Read this and you will come to know what we are fighting against

I get the drift of what you say, but when emotions run high, and the enemy is such a bunch of jerks... its hard to be against your own brethren

Mann Sahib said...

hey one more thing yaar....
It's mebbe just me but it's kinda irritating to see my messages getting approved by you. If some arsehole decides to write some crap, just ignore it n delete it...
Up to u bro, just a suggestion

Seemantini said...

i thought we were drowning in a shallow sea of the "self" ( read we- the youth of india- the better part of india, numerologically speaking....hmm....welll i wudnt mind saying qualitatively as well) some time (read posts) back.

but a thumping regain of hope has come in the avatar of the reservation debacle- we are., afterall, standing up for something. we will all know the value of merit and are willing to go the distance to FIGHT for it. how long is this going to sustain? how much will it effect a change? does truth really triumph? is all yet to be seen and a matter of sense prevailing voter-bank sense.

am glad about one thing though- we are raising our voice. vociferously that too.