Sunday, May 14, 2006

Mission Impossible III

If you are really desperate for some mind numbing violence, blinding colors and deafening noise and you are not the kind of person who's bothered with some finer points like storyline, logic and other such things, you should definitely watch MI-III. This movie is purely 'of the stuntmen, by the stuntmen and for the stuntmen' material.

It tries really hard to position itself in the 'Bond' category (Bond fans, dont kill me!) but it just looks like a cheap rip-off. I mean, this movie gives you fast cars, exotic locales, beautiful ladies, unbelievable fight sequences and a cocky hero to boot, but still Ethan Hunt doesn't even come close to the smashing 007. Mr. Bond is in a different league altogether.

Just a few things that kept me wondering throughout the movie:

1. Why send a half naked lady to Vatican just to blow up a nice Lamborghini?

2. If the villain really wanted to kill the agents, why didn't he just shoot them? Why go to the elaborate trouble of shooting a "delayed charge into the skull through the nasal cavity"? And that too a charge that takes five minutes to explode after being activated? And a charge that can be de-activated by passing a heavy electric current through the person's body? I know hi-tech is stylish and all, but this is plain ridiculous!

3. 'Rabbit's Foot' (though the movie never explains what this is) is probably a biological weapon with a label that says 'DANGER: BIO-HAZARD'. Isn't it surprising that this weapon in sealed in a glass case and kept in a glass and steel skyscraper in the heart of Shanghai? Well, since the Chinese didn't care for the safety of their citizens in the first place, we can probably excuse Ethan Hunt for dropping the glass case on a busy street. Come on!

4. It took Ethan Hunt under two hours to plan and execute the mission to get hold of the 'Rabbit's Foot'. Within 1.5 hours, the team had set up a machine that shoots baseballs on top of one skyscraper (why they needed the machine is still beyond me), they had also put up the necessary equipment to help Ethan jump from one skyscraper to another. Thats raising productivity levels to new heights!

5. Considering that Ethan took under 20 minutes to get into a 'high security' area and come out with a biological weapon, I was half expecting it to be gift wrapped!

6. Was the cameraman part of the 'Blair Witch Project'? I am still suffering from blur vision 12 hours after watching the movie, thanks to the rapid camera movements!

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