Saturday, September 23, 2006

Fungal Infection

A couple of years ago, I suffered from an acute case of 'athlete's foot'. Fungal infections are not fatal, but they sure make you suicidal! You feel like killing yourself when you smell like a walking cadaver and when it itches in the wrong places at the wrong time. The itch, the burns, the smell (yuck!), I still vividly remember everything. It was one resilient fungus, just refused to die down in spite of the use of assorted topical medications. I had a couple of days of relief before the itch resurfaced with a venegeance!

Why speak of it now, you ask? Well, was reminded of it when I read this. The wily Arjun Singh takes centrestage again. Like a damned fungal infection he just refuses to wither away. He and his ilk are not fatal to our system in any way, Indian soceity has survived bigger problems. We will outlast this moron, but just like a case of athlete's foot, they cause severe embarassment and irritation.

People like Arjun Singh do not realise that they have gone past their 'best before' date. Protests and strikes are like topical medications, they will treat the symptoms but not help eliminate this fungus. We have to simultaneously strengthen the immunity of our social system by taking up a more proactive role. I have decided; I will never take the democratic process lightly in future. My vote will only go to a young, energetic and enthusiastic candidate, I have had it with politicians who are past their expiry dates.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

'Like a damned fungal infection he just refuses to wither away'...

Ha Ha Ha... well said.

The build-up was fantastic!!